Thursday, February 4, 2010

Harry Potter is the Ultimate Escapism

Since my last infusion, I've been re-watching the Harry Potter movies, simply because I have nothing better to do. Harry Potter is the ultimate escapism for me. For some it is the Goonies, but for me it's Harry.
It occurred to me that in the wizarding world that Rowling has created, there are all sorts of strange creatures, plants, evil wizards that can kill you, curse you or whatever but they never talk about regular illnesses that real people have. I mean, what would they do if they got a standard disease that human-bodied people get? What would they do? Or do magical people even get real sicknesses in their world? Does being a Muggle pre-dispose you to mortal diseases or something?
Wouldn't it be awesome if you could just, I dunno...cut some tentacular leaves, stew up a nasty looking potion and could cure whatever it is that you had. Even if you couldn't cure what you had, you could at least wave your wand and have all the chores get done automatically, right? (Apparently, in the magical world, being clean is considered strange, so maybe not.) Afterall, you can just say "ACCIO______!!" and whatever you're looking for just comes to you. That would be nice when I can't remember where the hell I put my car keys.

Still waiting on my Hogwarts letter...

1 comment:

  1. Yay Harry Potter! I totally know what you mean :)
