Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Can robot lady...learn to love?

The first line reads, "Congratulations on your new power port."
Ugh, excuse me? Congratulations on getting a medical device typically given to cancer patients?!?

Yeah, I'd have the same look on my face if I was told that I needed a port placed UNDER MY SKIN AND INSERTED INTO THE ARTERY GOING DIRECTLY INTO MY HEART.

Okay so, I know I talked about curbing the "jaded", but this is ridiculous. I am NOT happy about needing this.

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. I just read this... are you SERIOUS???? I have heard of some really lame brained things, but this is on top of all. I hope this company doesn't make caskets too!!! I can just see the little label on the inside of the lid... can't you?
