Friday, March 5, 2010

Grad school: Oh so Helpful

I've been contacting my professors, asking them what kind of plan I should formulate in order to finish my classes. They all gave me incomplete scores for last semester's coursework. Let me preface this by reminding our lovely readers that cancer and treatment basically becomes the center of your life when you are diagnosed. It is not something that can easily be balanced with the rest of your life; thus resulting in me dropping everything and moving to Seattle to get treatment once I found out I have a grapefruit sized tumor in my chest. It goes a little something like this: Chemo, recover, recover, recover, recover, recover, hair falling out/vomit, recover, feel semi-normal for approximately three more days, chemo.

Rinse, repeat.

Furthermore, chemo has taken a toll on my memory. Not only do I forget the simplest of things, but I can hardly tell you what it was we were discussing in class over 5 months ago! To pass my classes, they want me to not only finish the basic requirements, but to do additional work to make up for missed in-class discussions. I think this is stupid, pointless busywork and it's just more bullshit that a student with cancer has to put up with. Do they REALLY think that students were actually participating? Half the people in the class didn't even talk or contribute, yet they're probably going to get full discussion points anyway. Wanna know why? Because no one, not even professors, take participation points that seriously. It's just so they're not standing there with nothing to say once class time rolls around. Honestly, a paper for each class missed...?
Also, I'm going to have to reread everything for my classes. Chemo has affected my memory so severely that I'm going to have to relearn a lot of things already covered. I have to take a pre-lims style final in order to finish this class...I'm going to have reread everything anyway. Mind you, rereading everything is no easy task. That's a lot of material! I was also supposed to have a rough draft of my thesis completed, but I've still got some more work to do on that.
In sum, I have no idea how I'm going to finish all of this without dedicating all of my time to it. Where money is going to come from, I don't know because I can't work and go to school at the same time right now. Just not feasible. I'm going to ask for a full semester to finish this stuff, otherwise, I'm going to make myself sick trying to do it all.

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