Sorry little blog. I have neglected you terribly!
I just finished a bunch of really important tasks. I finally have a moment to just do nothing before David and I start cooking for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I bought a free range, organic turkey from the Co-op this year and can spend Thanksgiving enjoying delicious food staying in my stomach. :) I can hardly believe that just last year, I was battling this terrible disease. Now here I am; full head of hair, finishing school and feeling awesome. I also completed some of the goals on my list! I went to Smith, saw my friends, and got a dog!! His name is Oliver. He's a border collie/welsh pembroke corgi mix. I love him to pieces.
He's a great foot warmer and morale booster! Amazing how animals can give you a renewed perspective and keep you on track, isn't it? Oliver reminds me to take time for myself and to enjoy the little things. For him, its a new squeaky toy, early morning cuddles in bed and the simple joy of bounding through the snow. For me, its a warm soy chai, hot baths, organic food and the smell of fresh laundry.
I've been working hard lately and I am so anxious to finish everything. The application deadline for my choice graduate program is coming and I have lots to do yet. I feel very anxious to get out of Idaho and this tiny apartment. Moving would entail better opportunities for me and for David. In some ways, I am tempted to just do the 9-5 grind. Even when I was working, I had a better quality of life as a poor retail associate than as a graduate student. I miss spoiling myself with extra lattes and buying fair trade/organic, but I know once I'm finished, it'll have all been worth it. I know that I will be proud of myself and will do something worth my time and talent.